Activity Partners

Our activity partners include fitness professionals and recreation facilities that can provide support and access to individuals who have received prescriptions from their healthcare provider. They are dedicated to providing a direct service to patients and have the amenities and knowledge to meet the needs of patients who are new to a physically active lifestyle.

Becoming a Facility Partner


Facility partners encourage and support people of all ages, abilities and interests by providing barrier-free access to facilities and spaces for patients to explore physical activity. To be a partner, you must be willing to provide:

  • A tour and introduction to the facilities
  • Limited free access for a redeemed prescription
  • An initial consult and goal setting session
  • Access to an activity plan and programs

For more information about the expectations for a facility partner, read the Activity Partners document.

Becoming an Online Activity Partner


Online partners help patients to become more physically active by providing programming and support that can be delivered digitally through the combination of email, phone and video chats, and web and mobile applications. They can be certified personal trainers and health coaches that work at facilities or are independent, and are willing to provide:

  • An initial consult to assess fitness level and access to activities, and set goals
  • A fitness program that can be shared and tracked digitally
  • Weekly check ins to motivate, hold accountability and make improvements to the program
  • 30 days of free support

For more information about being an online partner read the Activity Partners document.

Benefits of Becoming an Activity Partner


Being a part of the program has several benefits for fitness and recreation organizations, facilities and professionals:

  • Support your local community to be healthier
  • Access a new pool of potential members/clients who were previously sedentary
  • Build better relationships with healthcare professionals in your area
  • Receive special offers on products and services from program sponsors

To get more details about all of the benefits to being an Activity Partner, read the Activity Partners document.

How to Become an Activity Partner


Fitness and Recreation facilities and professionals can become members under a chapter in their region. To become a member:

  1. Check to see if there is a chapter in your region
  2. If you are a member of a chain, check to see if your organization is already a member
  3. Read through the Activity Partner Package
  4. Complete the online application to become a partner
  5. Get approval and sign a partner agreement
  6. Start accepting prescriptions

To become an Online Activity Partner:

  1. Read through the Activity Partner Package
  2. Complete the online application to become a partner
  3. Get approval and sign a partner agreement
  4. Start accepting prescriptions

If there is not a chapter in your area, talk to us about how you can help to get one started.

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* Please see More Filters for detailed search

* This organization indicates that they comply with provincial public health actions to promote the health and safety of participants with respect to COVID-19. Please confirm with the facility before your visit.

  • The site uses your location to find facilities near you. If the page does not show results within 30 seconds, please change your search criteria by using the "Search Cities" command or enter a facility name to search. Distance-based search without entering a filter region name will search the area around the map center.

Copyright © 2020 Prescription to Get Active